Thursday, February 23, 2012

Florida Trip - Day 1 - 2/23/12

After the wait at O'Hare I finally made it to Orlando a little after noon. We got the rental car and had some lunch at a TGIFriday's by the airport. We checked into the Best Western Universal Inn and caught up for a few hours. We then showered and had dinner at PF Chang's. We are turning in early from a long day of travel.

Waiting at the airport

Flight is delayed so I'm waiting at O'Hare Airport. I wish I could have slept in the extra hour! Had a mediocre breakfast at Goose Island restaurant in Terminal 3. Skip the coffee here!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cruise Countdown!

100 days to go ...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Next Trip: Florida!

My next trip is right around the corner ... a little over three weeks from now I'll be meeting my sister in Orlando to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

From Febryary 23 to 26, 2012, we will be enjoying Universal Studios Orlando.  We are both big fans of the books and movies and we've been wanting to go to the Harry Potter theme park for a while.